Meeting of 2/16/18

Read for next time. We will discuss it. Included in the discussion will be: How to handle launches where multiple satellites are launched in one launch, in terms of Venkat's metrics? Count launches or count orbiting bodies? This sort of thing has happened before in terms of just a couple or few satellites in one launch, and how are we handling it now?

RD's draft project report: He needs to know he is on the right track and get any guidance necessary, including what to do next. DB will forward it to all concerned.

VK is comparing planet4589 and wikipedia data. He plans to say more next week.

HA sent us a draft of notes on the Start-Up Space document intended for the annotated bibliography. RS and DB need to review and comment so he can add it in.

HA plans to write up his notes on the reading from last week of and send it to us for comments. Note that that article was to some extent superseded by the actual launch, described e.g. in  which is also now a satellite (of the sun). Does planet4589 have it? Does Wikipedia? Checking this would be a test of these sites.

DB will send RD's draft to HA and RS.

DB will send HA a spreadsheet with some data for his software engineering student team in the course he is teaching. They can write some software to analyze it.

At the next meeting let us plan to discuss publishability of the student project results.

There is still the list of potential readings:

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