4/27/18: RH report

HA suggests:
This note represents portion of the report that could take a few more references to back the statement if space and time ae not significant factor.
pg 17: One mission to Uranus and Nepturne by Voyager 2
pg 18 One mission to Pluto in 2006

DB suggests:
Figure 50:  % of USA contribution to each planet inner circle is for year and outer circle for planets and the Moon
Figure 50:  % of USA contribution to each planet. Inner circle is for year and outer circle for planets and the Moon.

Similarly for Figure 51.

"Figure 15 Figure 16" is not right. What do you mean?

4/20/18: Congratulations!

Congratulations to VK for a successful defense and approved master's thesis!

Future plans are the RD defense next week and items at thehumanraceintospace.blogspot.com/2018/04/41318-post-aas-plans-defenses-and-next.html

4/13/18: Post-AAS Plans - defenses and next steps

Agenda for discussion

1. Paper has been submitted.

2. VK defense next time. Send out the thesis document now.

3. RD defense the time after that. Send out the thesis document ASAP. Should it be a thesis or project? If thesis, it needs a reference list, formatting, etc.

4. Should we make another paper based on additional figures from VK and RD, modeled after the AAS paper but shorter, submitted to OAS, www.oklahomaacademyofscience.org/technical-meeting.html? The timing is right. HA lead the effort? Should he then hand off maintenance of the cumulative lit. review to someone else?

5. Who will continue maintaining the cumulative literature review? It needs to be trimmed into more of a literature review rather than a collection of everything. The references from both our papers, which are properly formatted, need to be used to revise the unformatted reference list currently present.

4/5/18: last meeting before AAS

Agenda for discussion

1. Test VK's videocasting with the remote folks. My desktop doesn't have a microphone currently which should not be a problem since we'll be using the computer in 218 which we already tested. We can also just use the conference call # like we normally do. Decided to do that.
2. RS rehearsed tomorrow's talk. A couple of slides need to be revised. RD and VK will each send RS one of the corrected slides. RS could send us all the final slide deck at some point.
3. RD to update figures for paper. He has emailed me them.

Upcoming events
    - RS is presenting the slides tomorrow morning at the AAS meeting.
    - RD is defending Friday noon on April 27, EIT 543.
    - VK is defending Friday noon on April 20 in EIT 218.


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