5/4/2018: Planning the next steps!

  • Congratulations to Rohith for finishing his project report. We agreed during the meeting that the report was adequate and I can go ahead and key him in as ready to graduate.
  • We discussed next steps in our research program. Here are some suggestions:
  1. DB will update the annotated bibliography paper that HA has been working on, which may be the one at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G7H9Kb495hE9rJDU5wMpWfz7XTBaLJDaicufOU25npU/edit, and identifying those references that we have not yet cited.
  2. DB will get started on adding international data records to the spreadsheets in an effort to develop an extrapolatable curve like we found for US data, but for the entire world's data. This will support a future paper, a subsection in my book, and a web page that displays the data and generates the graph using Javascript (which will require training of a student to lead the implementation effort).
  3. HA found another interesting reference that we can add to our reading list at http://thehumanraceintospace.blogspot.com/2018/02/list-of-possible-future-readings.html.
  4. HA plans to find some figures from VK's thesis that we can use for a OAS meeting and proceedings paper submittal.
  5. HA has more time during the summer and plans to work on an OAS submittal of our work as well perhaps revising under guidance from JS a previously written paper on another topic that might also be submitted to OAS. RS suggested we would be willing to read it and comment.
  6. RS plans to search for more readings that might discuss, such as at scholar.google.com.
  7. VK plans to consider developing another figure using advanced data mining techniques, since such an analysis gets deeper and thus is less superficial than the more obvious analyses. He is also willing to develop any further figures we might provide some specs for.

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