7/27/2018 - Next steps on AAS and OAS papers, etc.

1. The AAS paper:

  • DB needs to go through the reviews one more time and make any remaining changes needed. Then send to authors for final comments, then RS uploads to site.
  • DB needs to send RS a personal check made out to AAS and get reimbursed. Address?
  • HA needs to send RS his share made out to AAS.
  • RS needs to mail the payments to the organizer to arrive by Aug. 31
  • RS has no remaining funds but did take care of registration and such which was $90, per the meeting post of 3/9/18. Ultimately we may want to figure out who paid what out of pocket, and even things up so each of us (faculty only) contribute the same amount out of pocket.

2. Deadline for the AAS paper is I think Aug. 31. That would include submittal of the updated manuscript, response to reviewers, and receipt of payment by US mail.

3. The OAS paper submittal is due Aug. 15, I think it was. The fee structure is at http://www.oklahomaacademyofscience.org/membership.html.

4. DB sent VK's new figures to HA for possible use in the OAS paper.

5. DB is past 2000 in incorporating international missions into the data analysis. On track for completion by end of summer.

7/20/2018: Progress on papers, etc.

1. The AAS paper: VK and RD have contributed changes including revised figures in response to the reviews. Thanks! DB has incorporated those things into the version to be submitted.

2. DB plans to go through the reviews one more time and make any remaining changes needed.

3. There is the AAS publication fee to deal with. RS's funds are tapped out, so HA and DB will ask our institutions if they can contribute. Ultimately the faculty may need to contribute some personal funds as needed. If I recall correctly, AAS wanted checks made out to them. These have to be delivered to RS in time for him to send them to AAS by the Aug. 31 deadline.

4. RS also paid for conf. and such which was $90, per the meeting post of 3/9/18. Ultimately we may want to figure out who paid what out of pocket, and even things up so each of us (faculty only) contribute the same amount out of pocket.

5. Deadline for the AAS paper is I think Aug. 31. That would include submittal of the updated manuscript, response to reviewers, and receipt of payment by US mail.

6. The OAS paper submittal is due Aug. 15, I think it was. HA has sent us a partial draft. RS will make changes this afternoon and then send to DB. DB will make further changes and send back to HA. The fee structure is at http://www.oklahomaacademyofscience.org/membership.html.

7. DB will send VK's new figures to HA for possible use in the OAS paper.

8. DB is into the 1990s in incorporating international missions into the data analysis.

9. JS sent an interesting tool link. DB will forward it to all and add it to the reading list.


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