8/17/18: What's next?

1. The AAS paper: It is submitted and accepted, pending receipt of the fee. Hardcopy of the journal will be available at the next meeting, if anyone goes to it. It will be online supposedly in January, but check the relevant email to be sure. Some publication data:

  • "... the Proceedings freely available worldwide online at http://libinfo.uark.edu/aas/ and are currently moving the archive tohttp://scholarworks.uark.edu/jaas/ repository (indexed in the Directory of Open Access Repositories)."
  • "Subject to receipt of the page charges by Dr. Hemmati by August 31, your manuscript will appear in Volume 72, available as a hard copy at the next annual meeting. A Table of contents should be available January 2019 on the Academy website for you to update future manuscript submissions and in press articles. By submitting your Page charges, the corresponding author agrees, on behalf of all the manuscript authors, to the digitization of your manuscript and posting of the digital copy to the Journal archive. A pdf of your manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author’s current email address following the 2019 annual meeting for easy redistribution by the author."

2. The OAS paper: It is submitted. DB has concerns that the figure descriptions need more details which he will need to specify so VK can add them.

3. Data curation report. It is essentially done but checking and so on can continue.

4. I need to go through the OAS paper and identify all the references that have not yet been cited in any paper. That way we can put them in a future paper. This should be doable in part by looking at what references are not in the final draft, but are in the earlier drafts.

5. What next? We discussed next papers and activities. VK would like to continue making new visualizations, but using different data. DB has curated data, or data could be scraped from the web, such as wikipedia table data scraped using google sheets populating commands. A master's student could do that as a project or thesis. DB would like to work on graphing technical performance over time using the curated data but this leads to the problem of searching a large parameter space which would be much better to do automatically than in code. A student could assist in writing this software, which could be done in JavaScript in a web page that also contains the publicly released curated data.

6. Another thing we can do is read and discuss the various remaining sources on our reading list.

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