11/9/18: Numerous paths to future activities!

  1. The Space Review track (DB).
  2. A possible regular academic journal track (RS).
  3. A possible IEEE Aerospace Conference 2020 track (DB). 
  4. A possible CCSC Mid-South track. Conference is April 12th and 13th, 2019, at UA in LR. There is a journal pub for accepted papers. www.ccsc-ms.org. Deadline for submissions is Monday, Dec 17, 2018. DB is willing to have someone else lead on this track but is not able to schedule doing it himself.
  5. Annual ASGC Symposium track. May be 3rd Friday in April at Winthrop Rockefeller Institute. A good opportunity for a student to present a poster. Maybe MH would be a possibility for this.
  6. UALR EIT College Colloquium track. DB presented at it last Friday. The preparations raise certain technical issues. In particular we may need to fit a Wright's law curve, not an exponential Moore's law -
Wright's law may be (not 100% sure): 
Cost = 1 / (#manufactured^W), 0<W<1
1/TechnicalPerformance = 1 / (#manufactured^W), 0<W<1

  • 7. MH suggested bringing up for discussion the idea of making data available publicly and having it user editable.
  • 8. Former OAS paper revisions track. Report on the conference. HA has the opportunity to start working on a revised version based on reviewer #1's comments. For example, one comment could be addressed each week, discussed at the meeting, etc.
  • 9. Satellite (planet4589.org analysis) track. What other kinds of duration analyses might be possible using data from planet4589? See https://planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.txt and https://www.planet4589.org/space/log/satcat.html. VK has two graphs of satellite lifetimes that seem to show exponential or Wright's law improvement. The graphs are based on satcat status date, which amounts to the end date of the satellite life.
  • 10. NEO/NEA analysis track. Need to complete the analyses and figure out how to disseminate them. 
  • 11. Teaching track.

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