2/28/2020: Continuing...


1. PT status.
2. MH status.
3. VJB status.
4. VJB thesis: we reviewed most of it. This could lead to a short article for The Space Review led by VJB to which anyone wishing to be listed as an author could contribute a paragraph or more of text. See https://dberleant.github.io/thesis.pdf.
5. Discuss: Funk and Magee 2014 - we'll pick up with Table 2. We read part of paragraph 1, section 4 last time.

2/21/2020: Continued readings, etc.


1. PT status.
2. VJB status
3. MH status
4. Re-examination: VJB thesis (updated) - we will start this time on Fig. 17. This could lead to a short article for The Space Review led by VJB to which anyone wishing to be listed as an author could contribute a paragraph or more of text. See https://dberleant.github.io/thesis.pdf.  READ 17 and 18.
5. Discuss: Funk and Magee 2014 - we'll pick up with section 4.
  • 6. WMSCI paper update.
  • 7. Plans for VJB to update us on satellite data.

2/14/20: Revisiting VJB thesis figures, etc.


We started with items left over from the last couple of meetings.

1. VJB status
2. Re-examination: VJB thesis (updated) - Figs. 15-16. See https://dberleant.github.io/thesis.pdf.
3. PT status.
4. congratulations to MH on his successful defense!
5. AAS meeting will be F-Sa April 3-4, submissions due March 1, papers submitted by April 1. MH is considering extracting a paper from his thesis.

2/7/2020: Activities seem to be accelerating a bit...


1. MH thesis update. 
  • HA: abstract has some strong statements that are not supported later. In particular, "The traditional method to model this increase in capability has been to utilize simple linear regression to fit a curve to data and then extrapolate the trend." This needs a reference or some support within the body of the paper. 
  • Figures 16 and 17 (last two in Discussion section) have no text that explains them. 
  • Discuss why Figure 14 is more bell shaped than Figure 15 (first two figures in the Discussion). 
  • Need to clarify where the figures in the appendix are referred to and discussed in the body of the thesis. 
  • RS and HA request the powerpoints ahead of time. 
  • RS: Need to retitle Appendix A since some figures and tables are not in it.
2. WMSCI paper update. Review process is still underway. There have been some wrinkles and the conference organizers are still getting it straightened out.

3. PT status update. We did not get to this.

4. Plans for VJB to update us on satellite data. We did not get to this.

5. Informational item: The AAS meeting will be F-Sa April 3-4, with submissions due March 1.


      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...