5/1/20: Status, readings, and the forecasting community

Agenda & Minutes

1. Move to new conferencing system. We decided tentatively to try Zoom. DB will email a link ahead of time.

2. Status reports. PT's MS proposal document. VJB's graphs.

3. Discuss PT's proposal document. Some references are not cited. Title needs to use term "data mining" not "mine data." PT will fix and redistribute.

4. VJB has a preliminary graph:

Q: why no 1000+ data after 2005?
Q: The low trough at about 0.2 is really 0, so that needs to be fixed. Also the second trough in the blue curve is not right.
DB asked for a new curve combining all lifespan intervals *except* 0-10 days.
DB pointed out that the figure should state the satellite status condition (Reentered, In Earth orbit, or other)

5. DB plans to add more problems to the "Strain Your Brain" items soon.

6. We did not get to dtart discussing this on satellite lifespans but maybe next time.

7. We did not check out the International Journal of Forecasting but maybe next time.

8. We did not check out Lancaster Centre for Forecasting but maybe next time.

9. We may in the future discuss this on distributional forecasts. Should we find a MS student to apply this method to space exploration?

10. VJB plans to update us on data sources and readings regularly starting soon.

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