6/26/2020: Discuss draft and Strain the Brain questions, etc.

Agenda & Minutes

1. Status reports. 

2. Discuss MH's draft.

3. Strain the Brain update. Khan Academy has some good stuff on differential calculus. MH reports that it is straightforward to find and learn from the materials.

4. Literature discussions: Any papers read to report on? PT will lead discussion next time of Farmer and Lafond. Did we already start on section III of this last time? We already discussed through section II.

5. Future potential agenda items planned: We may in the future discuss this on distributional forecasts. Should we find a MS student to apply this method to space exploration? Also Superexponential Long-term Trends in Information Technology by Nagy et al. looks very interesting to discuss. 

6/19/20: Getting back to a routine

Agenda & Minutes

1. Status reports. RS reported the paper has been submitted and may be chosen for journal publication. DB reported some new Strain Your Brain exercises are posted which will help prepare for VJB's next steps. MH reported that a draft paper based on his thesis is ready for us to review. He will send it to us. 

2. Technical discussions: PT reported on Moore's original paper, and also the paper Fifty Years of Moore's Law by CA Mack. We discussed this
on satellite lifespans through section II (i.e. the first page) last time. 

3. Future potential agenda items planned: We may in the future discuss this on distributional forecasts. Should we find a MS student to apply this method to space exploration? Also Superexponential Long-term Trends in Information Technology by Nagy et al. looks very interesting to discuss. 

6/12/20: Continuing

Agenda & Minutes

1. Status reports. MH finishing up a rough draft. 

2. Updates on WMSCI paper. 

3. PT reviewed two papers he found:
  • A functional approach for studying technological progress: Application to information technology, and
  • Superexponential Long-term Trends in Information Technology
3. Discuss more of this on satellite lifespans. We discussed through the 4th paragraph in section 2 last time. 

4. Future agenda items planned: DB still plans to add more problems to the "Strain Your Brain" items soon, based on eq. (1) in thisWe may in the future discuss this on distributional forecasts. Should we find a MS student to apply this method to space exploration?

6/5/2020: Updates and paper

Agenda & Minutes

1. Status reports. Congratulations to MH. MH is finishing up a paper based on his thesis and is asking for us to help review it. 

2. RS reports on paper acceptance. He would like to discuss an updated version next week.

3. PT will lead discussion on the paper he finished reading.

4. Discuss more of this on satellite lifespans. We discussed through the 4th paragraph in section 2 last time. 

5. Future agenda items planned: DB still plans to add more problems to the "Strain Your Brain" items soon, based on eq. (1) in thisWe may in the future discuss this on distributional forecasts. Should we find a MS student to apply this method to space exploration?


      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...