8/28/20: Continuing

1. MM (a regular reader of this blog) writes: Hope the rest of your summer has gone well. I just came across this Call for Papers and thought maybe it would be a good fit for some of your group's work: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-informetrics/call-for-papers/new-measurements-of-scientific-and-technological-advances

2. Status updates. MH finishing up his paper. PT is working on his main algorithm. DB showed his latest results on analyzing lifetime data for deep space craft. 

3. Literature discussion: "3)" on modeling degraded life components of this. It seems degraded life components ares handled the same way as consumable life components. Next time we will do "4)."

4. Other items? None. 

8/21/20: Status updates and a bit of reading

Agenda & Minutes

1. Status updates. RS was awarded the ASU campus research award! MH is getting last comments on his paper and will then submit it. DB discussed some issues with regression and embedding JS in Google sheets. 

2. Literature discussion: We reviewed page 3 through "2)" on modeling consumable life of this. There are 8760 hours in a year.

3. Future potential agenda items planned: We may in the future discuss this on distributional forecasts. Should we find a MS student to apply this method to space exploration? Also Superexponential Long-term Trends in Information Technology by Nagy et al. looks very interesting to discuss. 

8/14/2020: Status updates

  Agenda & Minutes

1. Status updates. RS reported that the WMSCI paper is likely to be in the journal and has been selected for a keynote. Conference will be virtual this year. MH is getting ready to submit his paper. We discussed some final wording prior to submittal. PT explained the following figures he developed:

2. Literature discussion: We reviewed page 2 of this in a previous meeting but did not continue this time.

3. Future potential agenda items planned: We may in the future discuss this on distributional forecasts. Should we find a MS student to apply this method to space exploration? Also Superexponential Long-term Trends in Information Technology by Nagy et al. looks very interesting to discuss. 

8/7/2020: Status updates

 Agenda & Minutes

1. Status reports. RS reports that journal article decisions are after the conference which will be virtual. PT has implemented his web application in part. It can now graph a curve from some data. DB reported on a new graph for fitting a (non-exponential) curve of lifespan vs. failure date. MH reports some facts about mean reverting vs. non-reverting curves. He noted "regime-change models" as a way to address this.

2. Literature discussion: We reviewed page 2 of this in a previous meeting but did not continue this time. 

3. Future potential agenda items planned: We may in the future discuss this on distributional forecasts. Should we find a MS student to apply this method to space exploration? Also Superexponential Long-term Trends in Information Technology by Nagy et al. looks very interesting to discuss. 


      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...