10/2/20: Start a new reading


 Agenda and minutes

1. Status updates. RS got his 2019 JAAS issue. MH is resubmitting and needs short bio sketches. He is looking at transfer functions currently. PT reviewed his latest figures with projections based on different NASA budget scenarios. 

2. Literature discussion: We started a new reading! We discussed the abstract and will move on to the introduction next time.

3. Other items? None.

9/25/20: Continuing; finish reading

  Agenda and minutes

1. Status updates. MH reported that that the paper was rejected as out of scope. He will submit it somewhere else. VJB reported on a graph showing counts of satellites that are in orbit by year of deorbit, broken out by launch year, based on data from the "New Death Data" file.

2. Literature discussion: Finish(?) this

3. Other items? 

9/18/20: Statuses & readings

 Agenda and minutes

1. Status updates. MH submitted to Informetrics. PT sent in an improved software system. VJB explained his latest results on satellite orbital decay. DB showed a couple of graphs. 

2. Literature discussion: Read quickly through section IV of this

3. Other items? MH found a Bostrom paper about space colonization. Also a 2012 book by J. Storrs Hall "Where's my flying car?"

9/11/20: Statuses and a reading

Agenda and minutes

1. Status updates. RS: He and VJB submitted a presentation slide deck to the WMSCI conf. It will be an "asynchronous" item. He's also giving a 40-minute keynote. Will be absent from here next week due to conflict. PT: Working on the system. DB: discussed some images at https://www.google.com/search?q=global+minimum+surface and https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ritchieng/machine-learning-stanford/master/w1_linear_regression_one_variable/2_params.png from https://www.ritchieng.com/one-variable-linear-regression/. The lesson is that a parameter vector is a hypothesis; multiple local minima mean multiple hypotheses; a shallow minimum suggests a range of plausible parameter values.

2. Literature discussion: Read "6)" of this. We will start on section IV next time.

3. Other items? None

9/4/20: statuses and discussions

1. Status updates. RS can provide free access to WMSCI (9/13-16/20). Send him your email address if you'd like to attend e.g. to hear his presentation. MH found that the special issue of Informetrics is likely to have a shorter review time than Tech. Adv. and Soc. Change. DB showed the sensitivity of a regression problem to how error is calculated. Scary. 

2. Literature discussion: We started with "4)" and got through "5)" of this. We started on "6)" but will begin there again next time. 

3. Other items? None.


      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...