10/30/20: Continued updates and readings


 Agenda and minutes

1. Status updates. VJB returned, welcome back! VJB showed a graph of survival levels for satellites launched in 1992. We'll need to figure out how to analyze it and extrapolate. MH has been reading up on transfer functions and LaPlace transforms. The library is not allowing former students to use it due to covid. PT is reading articles for his thesis writeup. He has been admitted to the PhD program. 

2. Literature discussion: 

  • For the Magee et al. 2016 reading we finished the 2nd par. of section 2.  
  • For the Reynolds and Szerszynski reading we finished the 3rd par. of it.

3. Other items? None. 

10/23/20: Updates and readings


 Agenda and minutes

1. Status updates. VJB is back but not yet in Little Rock. PT continuing with writing his thesis. DB reports he is still working on graphing and nonlinear regression, hoping to use linearly scaled residuals with some kind of weighting on the residuals. MH was contacted by Lifeboat and sent them a bio. HA also was contacted. 

2. Literature discussion: 

  • For the current reading we finished section 1.  
  • We decided to time share readings to include a paper by Reynolds and Szerszynski and we read the first paragraph of it. Note that neoliberalism is not liberalism, in fact it is conservative in today's thinking.

3. Other items? None. 

10/16/20: Updates and reading discussion


 Agenda and minutes

1. Status updates. RS reports communication from WMSCI and the latest is that it is ready to be uploaded for publication. MH reports still waiting for word on the submittal to TFSC. DB reports on some new curves for lifetime vs. failure date. 

2. Literature discussion: Start with par. 2 of the introduction of the reading. We reached the page break in par. 2.

3. Other items? 

10/9/20: Continue new reading; new results


 Agenda and minutes

1. Status updates. MH resubmitted his paper, this time to TFSC. Good luck! PT went over several graphs showing his latest results. DB discussed the figure below.

2. Literature discussion: We discussed par. 1 of the introduction of the reading.
3. Other items? None.


      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...