11/27/20: PT Passes His Final Defense!

Congratulations to PT on passing his final master's defense today! ðŸ˜€

His thesis is entitled:

Applying Web Technologies for Data Mining of Models of 

Advancement Over Time in Space Exploration Technology

Many thanks to his committee members, colleagues in the research group, and guests!

11/20/20: Defense plans; readings and statuses


 Agenda and Minutes

1. PT will defend next meeting. He will send the latest thesis draft today and an updated version soon.

2. Status updates. RS submitted the paper but has not received an acknowledgment. MH reports his paper is still under review. He has no access to the library; DB will contact the library to see if permission is possible. VJB reports obtaining updated data on satellite failures. McDowell has now put it all on the web. We'll call the relevant page "Payload Data" in contrast to the earlier data we have been calling "New Death Data." This new data is of higher quality than the preliminary data he used for his master's thesis. 

3. Literature discussion: 

  • For the Magee et al. 2016 reading, we finished the paragraph with eq. (3).  
  • For the Reynolds and Szerszynski reading, we finished up to the last partial par. on p. 3 of it.

4. Other items? None.

11/13/2020: Paper now in press; readings from two papers


 Agenda and Minutes

1. Status updates. RS submitted the final revised paper to JSCI. HA reported that AAS will meet April 9-10 (2021). PT expects to complete the methodology section soon. DB offered a guest presentation to someone but no response yet. 

2. VJB reports needing to fit exponential decay curves to #alive vs. year data. MH suggests the "Solver" module to be added to Excel. RS has taught the Solver module. MH suggests searching for "real statistics excel solver" or a similar query to find the article on how to use it. Tableau is not as suitable, being more for visualization. 

3. Literature discussion: 

  • For the Magee et al. 2016 reading, we ended before the last par. on the 2nd page (p. 238).  
  • For the Reynolds and Szerszynski reading, we finished page 2 of it.

4. Other items? None.

11/6/2020: updates and readings


 Agenda and Minutes

1. Status updates. RS reports the acceptance into the journal JSCI of the conference paper. We have until Dec. 2 to finalize the submission. MH found some useful tutorials on transfer functions, and is thinking Kalman filters might be a way to deal with the irregularity of the time points of launches. PT is expecting to finish a draft of the methodology section of his thesis.  

2. Literature discussion: 

  • For the Magee et al. 2016 reading we finished the 4th par. of section 2.  
  • For the Reynolds and Szerszynski reading we finished the 4th par. of it.

3. Other items? None. 


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