12/31/2020: New! Literature reviews included


 Agenda and Minutes

1. Updates. 

2. Video (suggested by PT): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qwLHlVjRyw.

3. Literature reviews by VJB:

a)  H. Zhao, H. Yang and X. Xiong, "Satellite lifetime prediction with random failure," 2016 11th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS), Hangzhou, 2016, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICRMS.2016.8050129. 

b) Angus M. Brown, "A step-by-step guide to non-linear regression analysis of experimental data using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 65, Issue 3, 2001. 

4. Reading and discussion: 

  • For the Magee et al. 2016 reading, we finished through par. 3 of section 3.3.3 (on p. 240).
  • For the Reynolds and Szerszynski reading, we read through the 2nd par on p. 5 three times ago and plan to continue from that point next time.

12/24/20: Statuses and readings, followed by executive session


 Agenda and Minutes

1. Status updates. VJB updated his slides per comments from RS and HA. He presented a few of the new and updated slides. He should include a new slide explaining how the dissertation differs from the MS thesis. HA mentioned the schedule of activities - this needs a slide. 

2. Videos? 

3. Literature discussion: 

  • For the Magee et al. 2016 reading, we finished subsection 3.2 last time. This time we finished through section 3.3.2.
  • For the Reynolds and Szerszynski reading, we read through the 2nd par on p. 5 two times ago but did not get to it today.

4. Other items? DB, RS and HA held a brief executive session after the general meeting.


12:18/20: Continuing


 Agenda and Minutes

1. Status updates. VJB sent an email out to schedule his proposal. At this point it is tentatively F Jan. 15 at noon, which is our regular meeting. We will meet next Th Dec. 24 and then again on Th Dec. 31. Then we'll go back to Fridays if we can. MH found a tool for Kalman filter, Splunk, which he plans to test for spacecraft lifespan projections. 

2. Videos? None.

3. Literature discussion: 

  • For the Magee et al. 2016 reading, we finished section 2 last time. This time we started on section 3 and finished subsection 3.2.
  • For the Reynolds and Szerszynski reading, we read through the first par., p. 5 last time. This time we discussed the 2nd par on p. 5.

4. Other items? None.

12/11/20: Continuing...


 Agenda and Minutes

1. Status updates. RS emailed us the URL of the online conference proceedings with our paper. We discussed VJB's proposal defense. Hopefully it can be on a Friday at noon in January but this depends on all the committee members being available. HA asked about the next AAS. Maybe VJB's preliminary results for his proposal could make an AAS paper. RS suggests as an alternative to consider that it could be a WMSCI paper. 

2. Videos? No comments.

3. Literature discussion: 

  • For the Magee et al. 2016 reading, we finished section 2.
  • For the Reynolds and Szerszynski reading, we read through the first par., p. 5. 

4. Other items? None.

12/4/20: Back to the routine ... plus videos!


 Agenda and Minutes

1. Status updates. RS confirmed with the journal that the paper is submitted as it should appear. VJRB is planning to submit his proposal right after break, and DB, RS and HA all are available to help coach him on the proposal over break. Let us plan to meet on Th Dec. 24 and Th Dec. 31 at noon instead of Fridays, since the Fridays are Christmas and New Year. PT just uploaded his thesis to ProQuest. People agree that a paper is a good and hoped-for next step. 

2. Videos:




3. Literature discussion: 

  • For the Magee et al. 2016 reading, we finished the paragraph after eq. (6).  
  • For the Reynolds and Szerszynski reading, we finished the first 2 sentences of the first full par. on p. 4.

4. Other items? 


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