Agenda and Minutes
1. Updates. AR Academy of Science is meeting virtually in April 2021. RS announced the citation of our latest paper. MH mentioned that our paper was not accepted. VJB will need to add descriptions of his figures in the preliminary work section of his proposal draft, so we can take the next step of writing a paper based on them.
2. New and heavily revised slides (VJB).
3. Literature reviews (thanks to VJB):
Today's paper: A survey on life prediction of equipment, by C. Hu et al.
(today) What in the paper is most useful to your research?
Answer: section on remaining useful life prediction of working equipment.
(today) What references in the paper are next for you to check into?
Answer: They give some references on Weibull distributions he would like to get.
(in general, the following questions are worth considering for various papers)
a. What is the source?
b. What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
c. Why is that advance important?
d. What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
e. What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
f. What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
g. What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
h. Questions from the group?
4. Reading and discussion:
a. For the Magee et al. 2016
reading, we finished up to the last par. of 3.3.3. Next time we will view fig. 1, then the last par. of 3.3.3 (on p. 240).
b. For the Reynolds and Szerszynski
reading, we read up to "A third industrial revolution?" on p. 6 and will continue with that subsection next time.