6/25/21: Reimbursements, etc.

Agenda and Minutes

1. Updates and plans. 

  • RS: (1) VJB's slides are successfully uploaded; (2) The WMSCI registration fee is paid 100% by his dept.; and (3) he is invited to give a plenary talk there and will talk update his last year's talk for this year. PT extended his analysis and reported some new results. 
  • Status of registration and travel fees. RS has paid $640 for WMSCI and applied for reimbursement from his dept. which has agreed to reimburse him for it. PT paid $400 for FTC and the college has agreed to reimburse him for it.
  • RS suggests we all send him our citation information for our publications and he will put it into one list of publications.

2. Background literature update.

  • For general reference here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
       a. What is the source? 
       b. What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper? 
       c. Why is that advance important? 
       d. What important questions arise from the paper for future research? 
       e. What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer? 
       f. What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)? 
       g. What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals? 
       h. Questions from the group? 

3. Reading and discussion: 
    a. Hu et al. 2015, A survey on life prediction of equipment. We read up to section 2.2 so next time we will start with 2.2.
    b. We found that the paper at https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-40896-1_3 seems like a good paper for us to read.
    c. MH suggests a short book called Future Spaceflight Meditations, a cosmist perspective, by Jiulio Prisco, physicist formerly with the ESA.
    d. MH suggests Pantelis Koutroumpis, The Productivity Paradox, a report.

6/18/21: More updates and results

        Agenda and Minutes

1. Updates and plans. RS: no new news. VJB has some new graphs:

  • PT has some new graphs also:

  • DB reported on splitting a doubling time analysis into before 1975 and 1975+ segments. This is motivated by PT pointing out some weird predictions about the future if you don't do that.
  • HA reports that NSF has some funding opportunities. AFOSR also has some opportunities. 
  • Status of registration and travel fees. RS has paid $640 for WMSCI and applied for reimbursement from his dept. PT paid $400 for FTC and got some recent promising updates as the college moves toward making decisions on graduate student conference paper support.

2. Background literature update.

For general reference here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):

       a. What is the source? 
       b. What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper? 
       c. Why is that advance important? 
       d. What important questions arise from the paper for future research? 
       e. What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer? 
       f. What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)? 
       g. What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals? 
       h. Questions from the group? 

3. Reading and discussion: 
    a. Hu et al. 2015, A survey on life prediction of equipment. We read up to section 2.1 last time so next time we will start with 2.1.
    b. We found that the paper at https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-40896-1_3 seems like a good paper for us to read.
    c. MH suggests a short book called Future Spaceflight Meditations, a cosmist perspective, by Jiulio Prisco, physicist formerly with the ESA.
    d. MH suggests Pantelis Koutroumpis, The Productivity Paradox, a report.

6/11/21: Updates mostly

       Agenda and Minutes

1. Updates and plans.

  • RS - no word from WMSCI after sending them the slides, nor from his dept. regarding fee reimbursement.
  • MH - has accepted a part time research assistant position in the College of Business. (In addition to his regular full time job.)
  • VJB - reported on new results that include vague failure dates from planet4589.
  • DB - reported on models for moving window size 15 maximums.
  • Registration and etc. fees: Any news? RS paid $640 for WMSCI and also applied for reimbursement from his dept. PT paid $400 for FTC and is awaiting news on reimbursement from the Graduate School.

2. Background literature update.

For general reference here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):

       a. What is the source? 
       b. What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper? 
       c. Why is that advance important? 
       d. What important questions arise from the paper for future research? 
       e. What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer? 
       f. What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)? 
       g. What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals? 
       h. Questions from the group? 

3. Reading and discussion: 
    a. Hu et al. 2015, A survey on life prediction of equipment. We read up to section 2.1 so next time we will start with 2.1.
    b. We found that the paper at https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-40896-1_3 seems like a good paper for us to read.
    c. MH suggests a short book called Future Spaceflight Meditations, a cosmist perspective, by Jiulio Prisco, physicist formerly with the ESA.
    d. MH suggests Pantelis Koutroumpis, The Productivity Paradox, a report.

6/4/21: Graphs and research questions; readings

      Agenda and Minutes

1. Updates and plans.

  • Updates? RS uploaded the WMSCI paper. He did not upload the slides yet as could not find the right spot. Actual conference is in July. 
  • VJB reported on new satellite failure records extracted from planet4589 payload data.
  • DB reported on a new graph at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZtfkjbcTOoZTbETUkOY5Hlq5SY5GREvFYjgzmKZQww4/edit#gid=2085540424. This suggests some research questions about things like finding confidence intervals for doubling times (and the methodological issue of how important this is), investigating the "right" way to measure error when curve fitting, and why doubling times are so different for moving window maximums compared to all data points.
  • Registration and etc. fees: Any news? RS paid $640 for WMSCI and also applied for reimbursement from his dept. 

2. Background literature update.

For general reference here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):

       a. What is the source? 
       b. What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper? 
       c. Why is that advance important? 
       d. What important questions arise from the paper for future research? 
       e. What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer? 
       f. What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)? 
       g. What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals? 
       h. Questions from the group? 

3. Reading and discussion: 
    a. Hu et al. 2015, A survey on life prediction of equipment. We read up to section 2.1 so next time we will start with 2.1.
    c. We found that the paper at https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-40896-1_3 seems like a good paper for us to read.


      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...