1. Updates:
- Women in space project. Semester ends soon so we'll ramp this up soon.
- HA has noted the new reference suggestions but needs to review and if appropriate cite them in order to include them in the references section.
- DB suggested dividing it into two papers, one with all the details and one with the core elements.
- Forum(s) to be determined after article is done. HA may be able to present at a conference if we get something accepted.
- One set of possibilities is at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - may have a conference we could submit it to. has a long list of possibilities.
- OK Acad. of Sci. has submittal deadline of Aug. 15.
- Feminist journal.
- JS involvement: what would be a good task? Perhaps listing possible fora?
- RS: WMSCI conference is in July and will be virtual. Reviews were high enough to make journal acceptance possible later. This will allow adding 2 more pages if desired. Next step: prepare the presentation. VJB will do the presentation, send to RS, who will upload it. Presentation is live or by video.
- VJB: Has uploaded dissertation, will now start working on WMSCI slides.
- PT: He will next prepare presentation for proposal defense. We hope to publish the SLR portion later.
- Received: "I am writing to see if you might be interested in giving a presentation at the Southeast Symposium on Contemporary Engineering Topics (SSCET) this year. The 11th SSCET will be held on Friday, September 16th in Little Rock. No new news. I plan to list everyone as co-presenters.
2. Reading and discussion:
- In-depth readings:
- Votes were 4,5,3,5,5, averaging to 4.4. We read up to the subheading "Non-linear technological change".
- Scanned readings that might or might not be read in more depth at some point. Listed in decreasing order of vote rank.
- Already voted on: Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. Let's find out more about it. We skimmed and the question next is whether we want to read through the site in more detail. We can skim a little more before making a decision. the question then is: Do we search this site for another paper/papers to read? Vote was 3 11/12.
- Already voted on. We found that the paper at seems like it might be a good paper for us to read. Vote was 3.9.
- Already voted on: One candidate: is a recent account of using DEA (which is part of TFDEA). We rechecked the abstract and read the first paragraph. Votes were: 3,5,2,5,4, averaging 3.8.
- Already voted on: The Institute for Progress. They address questions like what policies and social factors affect technological progress. We will try out a bit of to see if we want to read it in full. Vote was 3 2/7.
- Voted on 4/15/22: One of McDowell's update reports, available on the website. Link is: We checked #804. Vote was 3 1/12.
- Proposed readings that have not yet been scanned and voted on. Read a paragraph or so of each and vote: Should we read it in more depth? 5=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=neutral, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree.
- Scan one link deep from the astronautics page at Don't read large documents through entirely.
- One of McDowell's *yearly* (not the more frequent news) reports, in particular, the most recent one:
- Goldin et al., The Productivity Paradox, 2019.
- A background paper related to the women in space project: see SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\femaleAstronauts\relatedArticles
- James Pethokoukis,, tech foresight blog by former Jeopardy! champ.
- Chad Jones,, writes about endogenous growth theory.
- Pantelis Koutroumpis, The Productivity Paradox, a report.
- Some interesting videos are at the Kartik Gada channel such as at which we discussed previously.
- MH suggests a short book called Future Spaceflight Meditations, a cosmist perspective, by Jiulio Prisco, physicist formerly with the ESA.
- For general reference here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
- What is the source?
- What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
- Why is that advance important?
- What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
- What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
- What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
- What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
- Questions from the group?