Agenda and Minutes

The desert habitat area in Biosphere II
- PT:
- Paper: submitted the first round of proofs. They will send them again.
- Research: working on collecting data on manufacturer, destination, contact type, and country in charge of mission.
- JS:
- Looking
at myeloma project. There is a need to convert 5-year survival
probability for diagnosis cohorts to and from death cohorts.
- HA:
- Expect more news in January, probably.
- Still waiting for the POAS bill, which we will split as appropriate. His U. Dept. may help.
- DB can pay it if it is possible to still update the acknowledgment section to acknowledge the funding source.
- DB: The typo we submitted on the planet4589 documentation page is fixed. The editorial comment we flagged is still there.
- Here is a specific project description for recruiting a data science student. Here is a project idea that could be done by students at OKCU or UALR or ASU. Let us debug it.
Consider a source of data on space related activities: For example, one data file is called psatcat:
There is another file that documents what the columns mean:
The project options are:
Option 1: Apply visualization and analysis tools to find patterns and graphics to help understand the data. For this, knowing what the columns and the data mean would be more important.
Option 2: Apply clustering to identify clusters and outliers. Outliers might contain mistakes in the data, The main point here is to identify possible mistakes based on being outliers. However, the clusters may have interest if there since it is likely they correspond to some meaningful categories, although we don't know what they might be without examining the meanings of the columns and data items.
- Recent space activities? (see
2. Reading and discussion
- Reading for today:, from Jonathan's Space Pages (
- We got up to:
- "Here are a selection of valid Vague Date strings" in page "Time Representations and Vague Date Format" at:
- > > >
- Readings that have been rated: we previously scanned and voted on them and they might or might not be read in more depth at some point. Listed in decreasing order of vote score.
- One of McDowell's *yearly* (not the more frequent news) reports, in particular, the most recent one: We read through the first paragraph of section 1.1. Vote to continue was 4.
- Already voted on: Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. Let's find out more about it. We skimmed and the question next is whether we want to read through the site in more detail. Do we search this site for another paper/papers to read? Vote was 3 11/12.
- Already voted on. We found that the paper at seems like it might be a good paper for us to read. Vote was 3.9.
- Already voted on: One candidate: is a recent account of using DEA (which is part of TFDEA). We rechecked the abstract and read the first paragraph. Votes were: 3,5,2,5,4, averaging 3.8.
- Goldin et al., The Productivity Paradox, We read the "Home" tab and 2 paragraphs of the "Background" tab. Vote to continue reading was: 3.5.
- 5/20/22: We read the enlarged font paragraph at the beginning of "Women's Place in Space Exploration, 1996, ...\femaleAstronauts\relatedArticles\WomenPlaceInSpaceExplorationRef2.pdf. Vote was 3 1/3.
- Already voted on: The Institute for Progress. They address questions like what policies and social factors affect technological progress. We will try out a bit of to see if we want to read it in full. Vote was 3 2/7.
- Voted on 4/15/22: One of McDowell's update reports, available on the website. Link is: We checked #804. Vote was 3 1/12.
- Possible readings/videos that have not yet been rated. As time allows, read/view paragraph/minute or two of each and vote: Should we read it in more depth? 5=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=neutral, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree.
- Newly added 9/16/22: J. Trancik, Testing and improving technology forecasts for better climate policy, PNAS 2021.
- Chad Jones,, writes about endogenous growth theory.
- Pantelis Koutroumpis, The Productivity Paradox, a report.
- Some interesting videos are at the Kartik Gada channel such as at which we discussed previously.
- Astronautics section. Something we haven't read yet, like one of the yearly reports.
- Future Spaceflight Meditations, a cosmist perspective, by Jiulio Prisco, physicist formerly with the ESA.
- Completed readings
- We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read.
- Video: (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
- Https:// on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
- Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
- Various previous papers.
- Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
- What is the source?
- What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
- Why is that advance important?
- What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
- What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
- What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
- What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
- Questions from the group?
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