2/24/23: Focus on planet4589 reading

Agenda and Minutes


Pictures from Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ, Summer 2022

Part of the telescope used to discover Pluto.

There were dozens of sponsored plaques with various quotes from famous people and such.







Pavilion. Note the sponsored plaques around the perimeter.


1. Announcements

  • Guest speaker? Ideally schedule it for a day when SJL can be present.
  • SJL plans to provide a draft SOW at some point.

2. Reading and discussion

  • Readings for today: 
    • We finished a page linked from https://www.planet4589.org  >  https://planet4589.org/space/index.html  >  https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro. We will start on the next page linked from there, which has link tag "SatType scheme," next time.
    • We did not read from https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/2/572 (because no one with a focus on the topic attended. We have read up to "The authors in [31] also approached survival from a binary classification, i.e., transplant success or failure."and can start there next time there is a strong reason to continue with this article.
  • Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
    • What is the source?
    • What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
    • Why is that advance important?
    • What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
    • What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
    • What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
    • What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
    • Questions from the group?

 3. Previously completed readings include:

    • We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read. 
    • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o66fH_sgo (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
    • Https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946 on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
    • Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
    • Various previous papers.

2/17/23: 2 videos & 2 readings

 Agenda and Minutes

Lava River Cave videos:

 1. Announcements

  • Plan is to spend 1/2 the time on the kidney survival paper, 1/2 on the planet4589 site.
  • Guest speaker? Maybe in a couple weeks. Should be scheduled for a day when SJL can be present.
  • SJL will provide a draft SOW soon.

2. Reading and discussion

  • Readings for today: 
    • https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/2/572. We have read up to "The authors in [31] also approached survival from a binary classification, i.e., transplant success or failure. " and so will start there next time.
    • https://www.planet4589.org  >  https://planet4589.org/space/index.html  >   https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro  >  link tag "Launch Designations and Piece Designations"  >  we read up to "Another wrinkle is that launches can change designation." and plan therefore to start there next time.
  • Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
    • What is the source?
    • What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
    • Why is that advance important?
    • What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
    • What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
    • What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
    • What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
    • Questions from the group?

 3. Previously completed readings include:

    • We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read. 
    • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o66fH_sgo (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
    • Https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946 on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
    • Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
    • Various previous papers.

2/10/23: Biosphere 2 videos, readings, ...

Agenda and Minutes

Biosphere 2 videos:

Note domed "lung" on right, rain forest habitat (I think) on left, and library on top of a tower in the living quarters area.

Note anemometer spinning near top right. Interior "wind"!

One of the interior habitats.

 1. Announcements

  • Plan is to spend 1/2 the time on the kidney survival paper, 1/2 on the planet4589 site.
  • Guest speaker? Maybe in a couple weeks.
  • Any other news? No

2. Reading and discussion

  • Readings for today: 
  • Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
    • What is the source?
    • What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
    • Why is that advance important?
    • What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
    • What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
    • What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
    • What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
    • Questions from the group?

 3. Previously completed readings include:

    • We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read. 
    • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o66fH_sgo (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
    • Https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946 on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
    • Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
    • Various previous papers.

2/3/23: Extrapolation review paper published!

Agenda and Minutes










At the International UFO Museum & Research Center in Roswell, NM







The research area, International UFO Museum & Research Center in Roswell, NM

 Every business on the street tries to incorporate the UFO theme somehow!


 1. Announcements

  • Congratulations to PT and everyone involved!
  • We will spend 1/2 the time on the kidney survival paper, 1/2 on the planet4589 site.

2. Reading and discussion

  • Readings for today: 
    • https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/2/572. We have read through section 2.1.2 last time and can start there.
    • https://www.planet4589.org  >  https://planet4589.org/space/index.html  >   https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro  >  link tag "Launch Designations and Piece Designations"  >  we read up to "However, there are frequent exceptions to this rule." and can start there next time. This time we discussed the actual data in the psatcat catalog.
  • Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
    • What is the source?
    • What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
    • Why is that advance important?
    • What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
    • What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
    • What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
    • What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
    • Questions from the group?

 3. Previously completed readings include:

    • We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read. 
    • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o66fH_sgo (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
    • Https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946 on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
    • Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
    • Various previous papers.


      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...