Seattle Space Needle (Summer 2023)
1. Announcements
- We will continue to meet weekly.
2. Updates/status reports
- PT
- AM
- RS suggests a paper on ChatGPT. HA suggests OAS for a forum. AAS is also a possibility. RS suggests using it on space data, or kidney data. EG suggests seeing what the difference is between our answers and ChatGPT's answers. The effects of ChatGPT on education is a possible angle. We can discuss more next time.
- OAS deadline is Aug. 15, and the meeting is very close to OK City. The meeting has an engineering section that might be appropriate.
- HA plans to suggest an outline for our next meeting.
- EG has a draft of a paper on cancer IT/ensemble simulations and would like some comments. We could distribute it to the group and consider it for OAS or AAS... Maybe a focus on kidneys is possible? However it is tentatively planned for him to present it for comments and suggestions in the ML study group at 4:00 in a couple of weeks.
The meeting ended here.
3. Reading and discussion
- Readings:
- For the "SatType scheme" page:
- ... at > > > We got up to the "Byte 7" section, and can start there next time.
- We
could also do another documentation related to the astronauts analysis.
Most germane would be
- Kidneys: we read up to Section 4, "Future Directions" and can start there next time, from
- We earlier started: We read up to "In their paper, firms use these technologies to produce a fixed amount of output every period." MC later requested putting our comments in the minutes for later review - good idea. Maybe we can time share across 2 readings next time, and thus get to some material from this source.
might be good to read at some point. We should evaluate that.
- Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
- What is the source?
- What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
- Why is that advance important?
- What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
- What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
- What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
- What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
- Questions from the group?
4. Completed readings include numerous prior items as well as these:
- 5/12/2023: We read and looked at for examples. It appears that the date of the first flight for each astronaut is NOT given, even though the rows are in chronological order!
- 3/17/23: We read
- We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read.
- Video: (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
- Https:// on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
- Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
- Various previous papers.