8/25/23: Evaluate possibilities for a next reading

Welcome to: The human race into space will require kidneys

Agenda and Minutes

These are not my pics...here are better ones! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lava_River_Cave; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lava_River_Cave_(Arizona)

1. Announcements

  • Last week (8/18/23) only one person showed up, so we canceled the group meeting and talked about their work instead.

2. Updates/status reports

  • TC. Preliminary data analysis. Got 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2019, & 2020 data. 
  • PT. Continuing to develop the baseline regression model.
  • AM. Show some preliminary graphs that will be corrected/updated.

The meeting ended here.

3. Reading and discussion

  • Readings: kidneys or space, depending on interest and attendance.
    • Space option: evaluate what to read next!
      • We could do this from the "talks" section of planet4589: https://planet4589.org/talks/space/2021/spol.pdf
      • We could do part of: "Understanding Statistics and Experimental Design," https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-03499-3.
      • We once started: https://www.newthingsunderthesun.com/pub/4xnyepnn/release/9. We read up to "In their paper, firms use these technologies to produce a fixed amount of output every period."
      • https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-auc-roc-curve-68b2303cc9c5 might be good to read at some point. We could evaluate that.
      • Attendees could suggest possible readings/viewings between now and next time, or we could take time now for each person to search for things and report back.
    • Kidney articles we could evaluate later as needed:
      • We could read the appendices of the paper we just finished, https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/2/572.
      • Deep learning-based classification of kidney transplant pathology: a retrospective, multicentre, proof-of-concept study, Jesper Kers*, Roman D Bülow*, Barbara M Klinkhammer, Gerben E Breimer, Francesco Fontana, Adeyemi Adefidipe Abiola, Rianne Hofstraat, Garry L Corthals, Hessel Peters-Sengers, Sonja Djudjaj, Saskia von Stillfried, David L Hölscher, Tobias T Pieters, Arjan D van Zuilen, Frederike J Bemelman, Azam S Nurmohamed, Maarten Naesens, Joris J T H Roelofs, Sandrine Florquin, Jürgen Floege, Tri Q Nguyen, Jakob N Kather†, Peter Boor†, C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\healthInformatics\JeongHoonShin\papersToSuggestForNoonResearchGroup\PIIS2589750021002119.pdf 
      • The Ensembles of Machine Learning Methods for Survival Predicting after Kidney Transplantation, Yaroslav Tolstyak, Rostyslav Zhuk, Igor Yakovlev, Nataliya Shakhovska, Michal Gregus, Valentyna Chopyak and Nataliia Melnykova, C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\healthInformatics\JeongHoonShin\papersToSuggestForNoonResearchGroup\applsci-11-10380.pdf.
      • Artificial intelligence and kidney transplantation, Nurhan Seyahi, Seyda Gul Ozcan, C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\healthInformatics\JeongHoonShin\papersToSuggestForNoonResearchGroup\WJT-11-277.pdf
  • Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
    • What is the source?
    • What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
    • Why is that advance important?
    • What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
    • What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
    • What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
    • What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
    • Questions from the group?

 4. Completed readings include numerous prior items as well as these:

    • Kidneys:
    • Space:
      • 7/21/2023: We finished https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro/type.html.
      • 5/12/2023: We finished https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html and looked at https://planet4589.org/space/astro/lists/astro.html for examples. It appears that the date of the first flight for each astronaut is NOT given, even though the rows are in chronological order!
      • 3/17/23: We finished https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html.
      • We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read. 
      • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o66fH_sgo (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
      • Https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946 on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
      • Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
      • Various previous papers.

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      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...