The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics
The sun's corona, 4/8/24, Little Rock area
(Left) By me with an old phone cam. (Right) By photographer Aaron Stevens with more expertise and a better camera. See astrophotography for that and more! Live, it looked somewhere between these two pictures.
A research and discussion group
Agenda and Minutes
1. Updates/announcements/status
- Updates?
2. Reading and discussion
- ECG suggested: Short-Term Load Forecasting of Smart Grid Based on Load Spatial-Temporal Distribution, G. Yan et al., 2019 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), Chengdu, China, 2019, pp. 781-785, We read up to "When the research is carried out with the aim of enhancing the forecast accuracy, the improvement of the algorithm may not improve the forecast accuracy."
- IE: We still need to evaluate the third abstract that we didn't get to earlier.
evaluated at 3.8 on 4/5/24.
science/article/pii/ S1877050915023479 evaluated at 3.1 on 4/5/24. -
science/article/pii/ S0148296321002290 - we will check this abstract in a future meeting.
- JS is pursuing research based on
5903/14/8/244, so we can read from that article in future meetings.
3. Reminders
- Discussion of "How to find & do PhD research" is now stored in a separate page.
- Want to do a reading related to your specific interests? We can. Please send suggestions or requests.
- If we have an item for each person we can read from 2 or 3 each week and rotate among them from week to week. A student could suggest a research paper or a methodology paper related to their specific topic. Which readings to do on a particular day could depend in part on who is present.
- We could read and discuss our own papers. There are quite a few benefits to doing so. For example, we have a number of systematic reviews that have been published.
- We
could also read articles or other materials like AI outputs on research
methodology in general. We could also do other general interest
readings, not necessarily about methodology, such as philosophy of
science or something else. For example:
- Procedures for performing systematic reviews, B Kitchenham, Keele, UK, Keele University 33 (2004), 1-26
- We could read from our existing list of evaluated (and unevaluated) potential readings.
- We
could evaluate different
readings and read the ones that bubble to the top. This could be
applied to all the other categories of readings listed here. We could even hybridize and do parallel readings from multiple categories above.
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