10/10/24: Reunion!

 The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics 


          A research and discussion group             


1. Discussion of how this group might be reconstituted. DB, RS and VB present.

2. We could meet Wednesdays at 4:30. This works for D, R and V for now. So we will continue to meet at this time weekly.

3. We could discuss space research such as something new from V's dissertation. For example, the graphs showing what fraction of satellites last at least a given number of years might be publishable. R suggests there might be other results in the dissertation that could also be valuable. V will plan to show us the graphs that would be useful in our next meeting.

4. We could discuss AI, how is it affecting education, and what about AI ethics. How AI could be used in changing teaching methodology.

5. Should I invite masters students to this meeting to discuss their projects? R is interested in that. V is amenable as well.

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      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...