Meeting 2/23/18

1. Updates on satellite sites: does contain the recent Tesla car that was fired into space, showing that not just Earth orbiting satellites are included, since this is in a heliocentric orbit. (e.g., type in "tesla") and (see e.g. graph at bottom): VK notes: It seems like the Satellite catalog has the latest information. I tried "tesla" and it shows up.
I saw this link before as the Wikipedia has it on the references. The planet4598 site uses the Satellite Catalog, which has old satellite catalog file compared to I downloaded the latest Satellite Catalog from
-  There is similar information acrross planet4589 and, not clear which is using data from the other. They use the same base file satcat.txt.
UCS uses only has active satellites orbiting earth, this seems a unique characteristic if this source.

2. HA added the Start-Up Space document notes to our overall document. 

3. HA plans to provide some notes on that that article was to some extent superseded by the actual launch, described e.g. in The car is also now a satellite (of the sun). 

4. DB sent HA spreadsheets with some data for his software engineering student team in the course he is teaching. They can write some software to analyze it if they want. 

5. Arkansas Academy of Sciences meeting will be at ASU this year.
- Discussed publishability of VK's and RD's results so far. We decided that a presentation would be better than a poster for RS to present. 
- A journal paper submittal is due 2 days before the conference. April 4
Registration and submittals are at - Completed registration form, abstract(s), registration fee and membership dues must be received be the deadline of March 11.
- Meeting will be at ASU on April 6-7, 2018
- We need an abstract for Richard so he can register and upload it. We should pass around draafts for us to comment on. Base it on Venkat's and Rohit's reports. 
- We need an outline of a paper so we can start filling it in. For DB to start?
- RS needs some draft slides from Rohit and Venkat including figures, conclusions, statement of research problems.
- Lit review: DB should send HA an email with next steps for the lit review.

7. Here is the list of future potential readings: Send updates to DB: 

8. RD
 plans to present his results at the DB/RB joint lab meetings.

Meeting of 2/16/18

Read for next time. We will discuss it. Included in the discussion will be: How to handle launches where multiple satellites are launched in one launch, in terms of Venkat's metrics? Count launches or count orbiting bodies? This sort of thing has happened before in terms of just a couple or few satellites in one launch, and how are we handling it now?

RD's draft project report: He needs to know he is on the right track and get any guidance necessary, including what to do next. DB will forward it to all concerned.

VK is comparing planet4589 and wikipedia data. He plans to say more next week.

HA sent us a draft of notes on the Start-Up Space document intended for the annotated bibliography. RS and DB need to review and comment so he can add it in.

HA plans to write up his notes on the reading from last week of and send it to us for comments. Note that that article was to some extent superseded by the actual launch, described e.g. in  which is also now a satellite (of the sun). Does planet4589 have it? Does Wikipedia? Checking this would be a test of these sites.

DB will send RD's draft to HA and RS.

DB will send HA a spreadsheet with some data for his software engineering student team in the course he is teaching. They can write some software to analyze it.

At the next meeting let us plan to discuss publishability of the student project results.

There is still the list of potential readings:

Meeting of 2/9/18

Discuss update on the reading: which is also now a satellite. Does planet4589 have it? Does Wikipedia? Checking this would be a test of these sites.

list of readings:

Discuss the article:

Agenda for next week will be:
   Discussion on reading

Discussion of and included the notes in the previous post plus the point that, as a leading indicator, the information provided by this source could be used to improve our curve by using it to help calculate the most recent years (which suffer from the problem of a smoothing computation that does not know what future years' data will be). It could also add to discussion about what might be expected for a few years into the future, in addition to extrapolating the curve.

Meeting of 2/2/18

For next week let us discuss the article:

Agenda for next week will be:
   Discussion on reading

Discussion of and included the notes in the previous post plus the point that, as a leading indicator, the information provided by this source could be used to improve our curve by using it to help calculate the most recent years (which suffer from the problem of a smoothing computation that does not know what future years' data will be). It could also add to discussion about what might be expected for a few years into the future, in addition to extrapolating the curve.

List of possible future readings

Annotated bibliography is a shared file at: 

Readings to consider for future discussion and adding to the bibliography (if not already there) include:
  1.  The Falcon Heavy is an absurdly low-cost heavy lift rocket. The new SpaceX rocket seriously undercuts its competitors
  3. (e.g., type in "tesla")
  5. which has links to the yearly reports.
  6. (that link will probably only work for DB but we can fix that as needed)
  9. (What is NASA Doing with Big Data? Check this Out)
  12. (by Ungerleider)
  13. Start with wikipedia "extrapolation" article and branch out from there
  14. What pages use it and what can we get out of it?


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