9/28/18: Ongoing paths

1. Data Status. DB showed a new spreadsheet to test the hypothesis that missions get longer over time. This length might be a metric for technological advancement. The graph shows year of end of spacecraft life vs. spacecraft lifetime. Other things to try: Launch year vs. spacecraft lifetime; US-led missions instead of all missions;  combining these graphs by using different colors. What about satellite lifetime data? What is the status of that? Next time we will review VK's graph from his thesis on this question.

2. What's next? VK showed some new visualizations of NEO/NEA (Near Earth Asteroid) data. This can be used as the results of another paper. We discussed perhaps the WMSCI conference next summer for this. Of course, the paper would have to be written first.

3. OAS. The presentation is independent of paper acceptance for the proceedings or journal. So we can make a presentation and register without knowing about acceptance. We will hear about acceptance within 2-3 weeks. HA will start on the slides now, therefore. Registration deadline is Oct. 22.

Unfinished business:

AAS paper (not really "unfinished" except that it hasn't been published yet)
OAS paper
References that have not yet been cited


      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...