11/1/19: Review student and paper statuses, etc.

  • Discuss the space race writeup
  • Discuss VB status. Timeline: 
    • send partial completion of document on or before 11/3/2019.
    • complete analysis and final document for verification by advisor on or before 11/10/2019.
    • Any modifications and additions and suggestions will complete by 11/17/2019.
    • PPT for defence on or before 11/22/2019.
    • Planning for final defence (depending on advisor decision & committee  members are comfortable) on W Nov. 27 or F Nov. 29
  • MH thesis status
  • If time: latest exploration news items?
  • If time: Another paragraph or 2 of the paper we have been reading: Discuss last paragraph of section 2.

10/25/19: MSIS student statuses, etc.

  • Discuss the space race writeup
  • Discuss VB status
    • He'll send a timeline/schedule very soon.
  • Discuss MH chapter 1
  • If time: latest exploration news items?
  • If time: Another paragraph or 2 of the paper we have been slowly going through.

10/18/2019: space race writeup, etc.

  • Discuss the space race writeup
  • Updates: latest exploration news items?
  • Another paragraph or 2 of the paper we have been going through: Discuss

10/11/19: Status updates, etc.

  • Discuss Goddard 1981. A few questions include:
    • He wants to predict growth in dollar sales over time.
    • Claims linear increase is rarely noticeable.
    • Claims S curves have little justification as they are found mostly in biology.
    • Claims exponentials don't apply ("The punch line...") but actually doesn't support that claim at all!
    • Then goes on to fit exponentials, concluding that they don't work because growth increases faster early on, then increases at a slowing rate as time goes on.
    • Claims p. 224 that there is no stochastic random walk - rather perturbations return to the trendline.
    • Eq. 2: Why the 1/q term?
    • Last section: applies to functional classes of products; applies best to first "five to ten years" of a new kind of product. That suggests it doesn't apply so well after that.
    • Claims that very long term, product manufacturing growth is limited by growth in human population. I don't agree: (1) productivity growth and consumption growth per capita, and (2) AI singularity.
  • Report: MH
  • Report: VB
  • Volunteers for updating us next time on latest exploration news?

10/4/19: VB's proposal document; space race paper update

  • Any comments on VB's proposal document? 
  • HA has supplied a paper on Goddard's law that we can discuss next week.
  • MH is leading the space race short paper. RS would like to do a critical reading. VK would like to replicate the regression and improve its graphics. HA would like to identify references to cite.
  • Executive seesion on VB proposal.


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