4/28/23: Discussed propensity score weighting, and a few other things

Agenda and Minutes

SpaceX rocket explosion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THkSvpyoJ20

1. Announcements

  • PT's paper now moved to "printed" status!

2. Updates and status reports

  • Student updates: PT was planning to try different window sizes.
  • JS will explain in the next meeting what was presented in a potentially relevant PhD proposal presentation last Monday. He may also explain frequentist model averaging.
  • DB will invite her to give the talk to us and then we can ask a lot of questions as needed (if she agrees to meet with this group). TC sent the contact info: "Propensity Score Weighting Techniques integration for Population-Based Survey Data with Survival Outcomes: Addressing Missing Data, influential Points, and Assumption Violations" by  Xinrui Shi, Ph.D. Student, Applied Statistics (advisor: Wei Zhang).
  • Next week TC will give us another rundown on Bayesian model averaging. JS explained some things about Bayesian model averaging last week. Given prior probabilities for each model, use Bayes' theorem to calculate the posterior probability density function. Priors are not always easily available.
    • "Bayesian model average: A parameter estimate (or a prediction of new observations) obtained by averaging the estimates (or predictions) of the different models under consideration, each weighted by its model probability" - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2515245919898657.
    • EG suggested checking Jeffreys prior (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffreys_prior).
    • EG suggested https://acrpnet.org/2021/12/21/how-and-why-bayesian-statistics-are-revolutionizing-pharmaceutical-decision-making/

3. Reading and discussion

  • Readings:
    • We have read from https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/2/572, up to "The second approach focuses on predicting transplant patient survival periods" in section 3. We can continue depending on the attendance profile.
    • We can read from https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html depending on the attendance profile.
    • We can continue discussing the "SatType scheme" page 
      • ... at https://www.planet4589.org  >  https://planet4589.org/space/index.html  >  https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro > https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro/type.html. We got through "Byte 4" section, row  "E", and can start after that next time.
      • NOTE: the "SatType scheme" page describes the column labeled "Type" in the relevant tables, particularly https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/data/cat/satcat.html (thanks to Planet4589 for clarifying this a bit in the documentation).
    • We earlier started: https://www.newthingsunderthesun.com/pub/4xnyepnn/release/9. We read up to "In their paper, firms use these technologies to produce a fixed amount of output every period." MC later requested putting our comments in the minutes for later review - good idea. Maybe we can time share across 2 readings next time, and thus get to some material from this source.
    • https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-auc-roc-curve-68b2303cc9c5 might be good to read at some point. We should evaluate that.
  • Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
    • What is the source?
    • What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
    • Why is that advance important?
    • What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
    • What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
    • What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
    • What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
    • Questions from the group?

 3. Completed readings include:

    • 3/17/23: We read https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html.
    • We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read. 
    • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o66fH_sgo (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
    • Https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946 on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
    • Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
    • Various previous papers.

4/21/23: Updates & readings

Agenda and Minutes

Displays in the International UFO Museum and Research Center, Roswell, NM (Summer 2022):



Above: from the movie The Day the Earth Stood Still

1. Announcements

  • None

2. Updates and status reports

  • Student updates: PT - Trying different window sizes.
  • Should we create a kidney discussion group? Perhaps not.
  • JS: Bayesian model averaging. Given prior probabilities for each model, use Bayes' theorem to calculate the posterior probability density function. Priors are not always easily available.
    • "Bayesian model average: A parameter estimate (or a prediction of new observations) obtained by averaging the estimates (or predictions) of the different models under consideration, each weighted by its model probability" - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2515245919898657.
    • EG suggests checking Jeffreys prior (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffreys_prior).
    • EG suggests https://acrpnet.org/2021/12/21/how-and-why-bayesian-statistics-are-revolutionizing-pharmaceutical-decision-making/
  • JS will explain in the next meeting what will be presented in a relevant PhD proposal presentation on Monday. We will then decide whether to invite the speaker to our group for a guest presentation.The following meeting he will explain frequentist model averaging.

3. Reading and discussion

  • Readings:
    • We have read from https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/2/572, up to "The second approach focuses on predicting transplant patient survival periods" in section 3. We can continue in a future meeting depending on the attendance profile.
    • In a future meeting we can read from https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html depending on the attendance profile.
    • We continued discussing the "SatType scheme" page 
      • ... at https://www.planet4589.org  >  https://planet4589.org/space/index.html  >  https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro > https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro/type.html. We got through "Byte 4" section, row  "E", and can start after that next time.
      • NOTE: the "SatType scheme" page describes the column labeled "Type" in the relevant tables, particularly https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/data/cat/satcat.html (thanks to Planet4589 for clarifying this a bit in the documentation).

We ended here.

    • We earlier started: https://www.newthingsunderthesun.com/pub/4xnyepnn/release/9. We read up to "In their paper, firms use these technologies to produce a fixed amount of output every period." MC later requested putting our comments in the minutes for later review - good idea. Maybe we can time share across 2 readings next time, and thus get to some material from this source.
    • https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-auc-roc-curve-68b2303cc9c5 might be good to read at some point. We should evaluate that.
  • Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
    • What is the source?
    • What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
    • Why is that advance important?
    • What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
    • What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
    • What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
    • What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
    • Questions from the group?

 3. Completed readings include:

    • 3/17/23: We read https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html.
    • We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read. 
    • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o66fH_sgo (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
    • Https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946 on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
    • Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
    • Various previous papers.

4/13/23: Status updates and readings (kidneys, mostly)

Agenda and Minutes



















From the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff (Summer '22)


1. Announcements

  • None

2. Updates and status reports

  • PT has started using category variables for the modeling. AM. JS is working on the Moore/Wright model averaging.

3. Reading and discussion

    • We continued discussing the "SatType scheme" page 
      • ... at https://www.planet4589.org  >  https://planet4589.org/space/index.html  >  https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro > https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro/type.html. We got through "Byte 4" section, row  "A", and can start there next time.
      • NOTE: the "SatType scheme" page describes the column labeled "Type" in the relevant tables, particularly https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/data/cat/satcat.html (thanks to Planet4589 for clarifying this a bit in the documentation).

We ended here.

    • In a future meeting we can read from https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html depending on attendance.
    •  We earlier started: https://www.newthingsunderthesun.com/pub/4xnyepnn/release/9. We read up to "In their paper, firms use these technologies to produce a fixed amount of output every period." MC later requested putting our comments in the minutes for later review - good idea. Maybe we can time share across 2 readings next time, and thus get to some material from this source.
    • https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-auc-roc-curve-68b2303cc9c5 might be good to read at some point. We should evaluate that.
  • Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
    • What is the source?
    • What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
    • Why is that advance important?
    • What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
    • What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
    • What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
    • What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
    • Questions from the group?

 3. Completed readings include:

    • 3/17/23: We read https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html.
    • We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read. 
    • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o66fH_sgo (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
    • Https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946 on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
    • Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
    • Various previous papers.

4/7/23: Readings - kidneys and the planet4589 space exploration ontology

Agenda and Minutes

Sponsored plaques from the dozens at the Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ (Summer 2022)

1. Announcements

2. Updates and status reports

  • PT, AM, JS. PT is working on his LSTM neural network runs; making progress. JS is working on regression; in contact with TC.

3. Reading and discussion

  • Readings:
    • We read from https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/2/572. We have read up to section 3 and can start there next time depending on attendance.
    • We continued discussing the "SatType scheme" page 
      • ... at https://www.planet4589.org  >  https://planet4589.org/space/index.html  >  https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro > https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/web/intro/type.html. We are up to the "Byte 4" description and can start there next time.
      • NOTE: the "SatType scheme" page describes the column labeled "Type" in the relevant tables, particularly https://planet4589.org/space/gcat/data/cat/satcat.html (thanks to Planet4589 for clarifying this a bit in the documentation).
    • In a future meeting we can read from https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html depending on attendance.
    •  We earlier started: https://www.newthingsunderthesun.com/pub/4xnyepnn/release/9. We read up to "In their paper, firms use these technologies to produce a fixed amount of output every period." MC later requested putting our comments in the minutes for later review - good idea. Maybe we can time share across 2 readings next time, and thus get to some material from this source.
    • https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-auc-roc-curve-68b2303cc9c5 might be good to read at some point. We should evaluate that.
  • Here are some generic questions about articles (and videos):
    • What is the source?
    • What is the most significant advance in the human knowledge presented in the paper?
    • Why is that advance important?
    • What important questions arise from the paper for future research?
    • What important questions would it be nice if the paper answered, but does not answer?
    • What does the paper present that is novel (no one else has provided that before)?
    • What is the relevance of the paper to our satellite research goals?
    • Questions from the group?

 3. Completed readings include:

    • 3/17/23: We read https://planet4589.org/space/astro/web/astrolist.html.
    • We finished section 6 of MR paper (C:\Users\jdberleant\Dropbox\research\SpaceTravelMetric-b6-5-16\PapersAndPresentations\byOthers\MatthewRoughanDraft.pdf). This completes the parts that we planned to read. 
    • Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9o66fH_sgo (about MOXIE device which converts CO2 to oxygen). We then read a bit more about MOXIE on wikipedia.
    • Https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/07/we-need-new-science-progress/594946 on "progress studies." Completed 9/30/22.
    • Ryan et al., "A Forgotten Moment in Physiology: the Lovelace Woman in Space Program (1960-1962)", 2009. Completed 7/22/22.
    • Various previous papers.


      The Human Race Into Space Requires Kidneys, and Other Important Topics              A research and discussion group              ...